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Westport Public Schools aims to provide a cohesive and comprehensive curriculum that intentionally connects standards, instruction, and assessment. Our curriculum development process is guided by a backward design approach. Backward design is based on the idea that planning is best done by starting with the desired results. It is a design approach that results in purposeful thinking about curriculum planning from a micro lens, as well as programmatic reform from a macro level. Looking at the outcomes first results in coherently-designed curriculum units, performance assessments, and classroom instruction. The primary goal of backward design is student understanding, which is revealed when students autonomously transfer learning to novel scenarios.

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Kings Highway School recently celebrated Fall Fest on a beautiful day filled with excitement and fun. Students took part in relay races, explored our very own pumpkin patch, and cheered on teachers in friendly competitions. We all paused to enjoy a fun highlight of the day: the annual kindergarten parade.

Read More about KHS fall Fest

Kindergarteners at KHS had an exciting week of reading! After exploring "star storybooks" like The Three Billy Goats GruffA Mooncake for Little Star, and Corduroy, they practiced speaking like the characters and elaborating on each page to retell the story in their own words. Students also brought in their stuffed animals and taught them everything they learned by reading and acting out their favorite storybooks. The week concluded with a fun "Star Storybook Parade," where students proudly walked through the kindergarten wing holding their favorite books as teachers, administrators, and coaches cheered them on. 

Read More about Star Storybooks

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