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Library Media Center


Destiny is our online catalog. You can use destiny to help you find resources that are available in the KHS LMC as well as other libraries in Westport. In addition to our physical library collection, you can also access our Follett Shelf through destiny which includes all of the e-books available in the KHS collection.

Sora is an excellent ebook/audiobook database that can be accessed clicking the Sora icon above or through an app downloaded on your personal device.

To make a request for a Sora ebook or audiobook please click here.

Use this link to discover the level of your book. This is a great way to see if you are selecting a Just Right Book (JRB).


Please click on the Ride Into Summer Image to access the Westport Public Library Summer Reading sign up page.

Please click on the WPL Summer Reading Book Lists image to access amazing books to read. When you are in there, click on your grade level and begin viewing the summer reading recommendations.

Summer Math Site Link

Please see the grade level button for the grade that was just completed.  Each grade has a variety of games, activities, and problems for you to solve.