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Kindergarteners at Kings Highway School had an exciting week of reading! After exploring "star storybooks" like The Three Billy Goats GruffA Mooncake for Little Star, and Corduroy, they practiced speaking like the characters and elaborating on each page to retell the story in their own words. Students also brought in their stuffed animals and taught them everything they learned by reading and acting out their favorite storybooks. The week concluded with a fun "Star Storybook Parade," where students proudly walked through the kindergarten wing holding their favorite books as teachers, administrators, and coaches cheered them on.  

Students line the hallway holding their favorite books
Students parade in both directions down the hallway holding their favorite books
Students holding copies of "Knuffle Bunny" and "Are you My Mother"
Students holding copies of "Bunny Cakes" and "Corduroy"
Students holding books while they watch the parade